018 384 2457 / 076 760 5887
Who I Am
Professional Services
I am medical practitioner with 33 years experience. I am passionate about patient care, clinical training and research. I have published in a peer-reviewed medical journal (SAJP) Alternative Psychosis (Forced Normalization and Epilepsy). Running a private practice and conducting sessions in various hospitals). The complexity of the human brain is greater than any computer that has ever been invented by mankind, we live in the digital world, we are now in the fourth industrial revolution, and yet the supremacy of the brain remains unchallenged. The human brain is a very special organ that bestows on us our unique attributes as a human species.
neuroscience has emerged as one of the most exciting fields of research and has played a pivotal role in our quest to elucidate the mysteries of the brain-behavior relationship and has helped scientists in providing evidence that there is indeed a biological substrate beneath mental processes. To understand the brain behavior thought trinity is at the helm of the holy grail of functional Neuroanatomy, Psychopharmacology and Neuropsychiatry
Areas of Expertise
Bipolar and related Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders , Trauma and Stressor Related Disorders, Sleep Wake Disorders, Neurocognitive Disorders, Psychopharmacology , Neuropsychiatry , Addiction Medicine , Forensic Assessments , Medico-Legal Reports
My special areas of interest are in Clinical Neuroanatomy ​,Neurochemistry ,Neurophysiology , Neuropsychiatry and Psychopharmacology. An understanding of the nervous system and its anatomy is essential to clinicians in specialties and sub-specialties, including psychiatry, neuroimaging , neurology and neurosurgery and Addiction Medicine